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A Deliciously Epic Battle: Who Makes the Best Empanadas, Argentina or Colombia?

Empanadas are pretty common but two countries are famous for the tasty treats. Discover Argentine and Colombian empanadas, and decide who’s king.

Como ya sabrás, empanadas are quite common throughout Latin America. From Bolivia’s salteñas to the Dominican Republic’s catibias, just about every country makes their own version.

Two countries, however are internationally renowned for their takes on the empanada: Colombia and Argentina. Pero, how are they different from each other? ¡No te preocupes! We’ve got the answers you’re looking for.

The Basics

Empanada literally means "coated in bread". An empanada is basically a delicious filling encased in dough. Sounds pretty much like a sandwich, right? Believe it or not, an empanada sandwich actually exists. Talk about overkill!

They can be baked or fried, sweet or savory, though savory empanadas tend to be more common. Fillings range from beef, to chicken, ham, tuna, cheese, and spinach. It’s also common to find combinations of ingredients, like jamón y queso in an empanada. For some, empanadas are a perfect appetizer. For others, they are a straight up el almuerzo.

Empanadas Argentinas

If we had to describe the perfect Argentine empanadas in two words, we'd say flaky and savory. These gems have a wheat-based dough that’s usually baked to perfection. Some fry their empanadas, but the oven-baked method is much more common. Fillings can vary, but my standout are the picadillo-filled. Snazzy shops stamp the borders of their empanadas so consumers can easily identify what’s inside. Desgraciadamente, not everyone does this. I, personally, have a hard time telling what’s inside unless they’re stamped. Argentine empanadas are usually deliciously moist, so sauce is really optional here.

iStock / claudia1978

Empanadas Colombianas

In sharp contrast to their wheat-based primos argentinos, Colombian empanadas use corn as a base for the dough. These tasty treats are usually fried, making them crispier. The filling here, whether it be beef, pork, or chicken is usually shredded. It's usually hard to tell what’s inside of a Colombian empanada just by looking at it. They seriously all look the same. But no matter what the filling is, Colombian empanadas are actually just yummy sauce receptacles. And they usually come with ají picante, (hot sauce). 

iStock / anamejia18

Now that we’ve described the basic differences, it’s time for you to decide which you prefer. Gather your friends for an empanada tasting! Buy several empanadas with different fillings from each country. Have your guests bring along their favorite cervezas, and decide for yourself which country deserves the title of empanada king!