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Fabiana Granados, Miss Costa Rica 2013 Biography (Miss Universe)

Get to know the candidate for the country Costa Rica, Fabiana Granados

COUNTRY: Costa Rica

Name: Fabiana Granados

Age: 23

HT: 5’7”

Language: Spanish

Bio:  Fabiana Granados grew up in Guanacaste, Costa Rica where she hopes to one day run her own restaurant. She is currently a Business Administration and Industrial Engineering student at the University of Latina Costa Rica. Fabiana enjoys dancing, taking care of her horse and mountain biking.

Quote: “I believe pollution is the biggest problem facing the world today. We need to come together to reduce our energy consumptions to power our lives in the future.”


1. Fabiana loves to ride motorcycles and four wheelers in her free time.

2. Fabiana is a skilled horseback rider, with over 10 years of riding experience.

3. One of Fabiana’s favorite beauty regimes involves exfoliating with coffee and honey.