You Should Know: Christian Nodal (VIDEO)

Prompted to describe his debut album, Me Dejé Llevar, which was released in August 2017, Nodal says the LP is "passionate."


Singer-songwriter Christian Nodal sat down with Billboard as part of the "You Should Know" video series to help his fans get to know a bit more about him.

Nodal, who grew up in Caborca, Sonora, Mexico, started making music when he was 4 years old. "My family inspires me because they're all musicians," he shares.

When asked what his spirit animal is, the musician responds that he identifies with a panther. He also reveals that his favorite foods include sushi and lasagna and that he plays both basketball and football.

Prompted to describe his debut album, Me Dejé Llevar, which was released in August 2017, Nodal says the LP is "passionate." He also explains why people should listen to his music, saying, “I think people should listen to my music because when you’re heartbroken or in love, this music makes you feel stronger.”

To find out more about Nodal, including what the first song he ever wrote was and what he considers to be the biggest milestone in his career so far, watch the video above.