Watch The Powerful Video For "Immigrants (We Get The Job Done)" From The Hamilton Mixtape

Lin-Manuel Miranda recruited Residente, Snow Tha Product, K'Naan and Riz MC for an empowering music video for immigrants everywhere.


Lin-Manuel Miranda recruited Residente, Riz MC, K'Naan and Snow Tha Product for the music video of "Immigrants (We Get The Job Done)" from The Hamilton Mixtape.

The song is an anthem to immigrants and the struggles they face in America. The video portrays all of the jobs immigrants do: from picking oranges, to washing dishes, carpenters, doctors, even the people who make the American flags are immigrants.

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At the beginning of the video, there's a group of immigrants listening to a radio and they hear the anchor say: “It’s really astonishing that in a country founded by immigrants, ‘immigrant’ has somehow become a bad word”.

Given the current political climate and talks about walls and bans, the timing is perfect to release a music video that credits all the hard work immigrants have done.

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Each singer has their own experience with immigration: K'Naan a Somali-Canadian, Snow Tha Product a Mexican-American, Residente a Puerto Rican and Riz MC a British-Pakistani. 

In the words of Riz MC, "In a time of rising xenophobia, this is the music video + track I always wished existed".