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There's Going to be a Show About Selena and We're Freaking Out

The series will be based on Chris Perez's book "To Selena With Love."

All Selena fans rejoice! Soon enough you'll be able to see her love story blossom on the small screen. It was recently announced that Endemol Shine North America and Major TV have teamed up to develop a series chronicling the late singer's life.

The best part of all this news is that it will be based on Chris Perez's book To Selena With Love, which details the story of his relationship with one of Latin music's legends. Every life event that she went through is beautifully captured through his perspective. 

On the decision to move his story to the small screen, Perez said:

“I spent several years keeping the memories of my late wife bottled up inside. To Selena with Love’ allowed me to finally embrace my experience and understand the void it could fill in the hearts of so many others. I am now ready to take the important step of being fully transparent and bringing my everlasting relationship to life on the screen.”

The CEO of Endemol Shine North America, Cris Abrego, is also excited about the project: 

"Selena is one of the most influential Latin artists of all time, and her legacy continues to live on long after her tragic death. Chris Perez's beautiful book To Selena With Love captured their amazing life together and will make for the perfect foundation for a TV series that our team is currently developing for both English and Spanish audiences worldwide."

If you remember correctly, some of the best scenes of the Selena film with JLo included her and Chris. Look at this:


Stay tuned for more updates! In related news, watch Selena teach Mexican-American history and see Orange is the New Black Star Jackie Cruz talk about meeting Selena's mom below: