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No estaba lista para casarse debido a su obesidad, se lo propuso y perdió 135 libras en un año

Siempre trató de disuadir a su novio de la idea de casarse, porque no se imaginaba caminando hacia el altar vestida de novia, siendo talla 26.
Loosing Weight For Her Wedding
Photo © 2017 SWNS/The Grosby Group - An overweight woman shocked by holiday snaps of herself at DisneyWorld with the Little Mermaid has shed nearly ten stone to get a fairytale ending as she marries her childhood sweetheart. Jennifer Ginley, 26, who stood at 5'5", weighed a whopping 19st 4lbs and had to wear a seatbelt extender when traveling by plane. Her diet consisted of crisps, chocolates, greasy cafe food, chip shop meals, Chinese takeaways and fizzy drinks. The self-confessed "serial failed-dieter" had even discouraged her boyfriend of 11 years from proposing, because she didn't want to be a fat bride. After losing over half her body weight, she has now been named Slimming World's Miss Slinky 2017 and has gained 75,000 Instagram followers in the process. Jennifer, who lives with her mum Janet in Liverpool, said: "I'd been a fairly averaged-size child but I was a size 18 by the time I went to university in Manchester. (Pictured: Slimming World's 'Miss Slinky' Jennifer Ginley at the Ritzy Hotel, Central London, after she 9 stone 9lbs after weighing 19 stone)SWNS/The Grosby Group / SWNS/The Grosby Group

Los malos hábitos alimenticios llevaron a la joven Jennifer Ginley a pesar hasta 270 libras, y a pesar de que era algo que le preocupaba porque en realidad la mayor parte de su juventud había tenido un peso promedio, nunca hizo nada. Según contó a la revista People, siempre trató de disuadir a su novio Luke de la idea de proponerle matrimonio, porque no se imaginaba caminando hacia el altar vestida de novia, siendo talla 26.

RELACIONADO: La infidelidad de su marido la motivó a bajar de peso y perdió 103 libras

Y aunque no estaba contenta con su peso, no fue hasta un día en que repasaba las fotos de su viaje a DisneyWorld y se vio junto al personaje de “La Sirenita”, que decidió tomar acción. “Me veía tan poco saludable que lloré al ver la foto, intentando entender por qué me había hecho eso a mí misma”, dijo a People. 

Loosing Weight For Her Wedding
Photo © 2017 SWNS/The Grosby Group - An overweight woman shocked by holiday snaps of herself at DisneyWorld with the Little Mermaid has shed nearly ten stone to get a fairytale ending as she marries her childhood sweetheart. Jennifer Ginley, 26, who stood at 5'5", weighed a whopping 19st 4lbs and had to wear a seatbelt extender when traveling by plane. Her diet consisted of crisps, chocolates, greasy cafe food, chip shop meals, Chinese takeaways and fizzy drinks. The self-confessed "serial failed-dieter" had even discouraged her boyfriend of 11 years from proposing, because she didn't want to be a fat bride. After losing over half her body weight, she has now been named Slimming World's Miss Slinky 2017 and has gained 75,000 Instagram followers in the process. Jennifer, who lives with her mum Janet in Liverpool, said: "I'd been a fairly averaged-size child but I was a size 18 by the time I went to university in Manchester. (Pictured: Slimming World's 'Miss Slinky' Jennifer Ginley at the Ritzy Hotel, Central London, after she 9 stone 9lbs after weighing 19 stone)SWNS/The Grosby Group / SWNS/The Grosby Group

Foto: SWNS/The Grosby Group

En mayo del 2015 empezó un programa para bajar de peso y poco a poco empezó a perder peso. Hoy en día sus hábitos alimenticios son diferentes mucho más saludables. Asegura que ahora prepara con antelación la comida del día siguiente y así no da espacio a la improvisación, que es cuando más desarreglos cometemos. 

Loosing Weight For Her Wedding
Photo © 2017 SWNS/The Grosby Group - An overweight woman shocked by holiday snaps of herself at DisneyWorld with the Little Mermaid has shed nearly ten stone to get a fairytale ending as she marries her childhood sweetheart. Jennifer Ginley, 26, who stood at 5'5", weighed a whopping 19st 4lbs and had to wear a seatbelt extender when traveling by plane. Her diet consisted of crisps, chocolates, greasy cafe food, chip shop meals, Chinese takeaways and fizzy drinks. The self-confessed "serial failed-dieter" had even discouraged her boyfriend of 11 years from proposing, because she didn't want to be a fat bride. After losing over half her body weight, she has now been named Slimming World's Miss Slinky 2017 and has gained 75,000 Instagram followers in the process. Jennifer, who lives with her mum Janet in Liverpool, said: "I'd been a fairly averaged-size child but I was a size 18 by the time I went to university in Manchester. (Pictured: Slimming World's 'Miss Slinky' Jennifer Ginley at the Ritzy Hotel, Central London, after she 9 stone 9lbs after weighing 19 stone.SWNS/The Grosby Group / SWNS/The Grosby Group

Foto: SWNS/The Grosby Group

Ginley compartió todo el proceso a través de Instagram donde ya cuenta con más de 75,000 seguidores, a día de hoy ha perdido 135 libras y lo consiguió en tan solo un año. En diciembre del 2016, su pareja Luke le pidió matrimonio y en ese momento sí estaba lista y se sentía bien con ella misma para decir que sí. 


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